Single-use vs. multiple-use: which one is actually better for the environment?

  • onsdag / 23 oktober / 2024
  • 14:15-14:55

The packaging industry faces significant challenges and opportunities in reducing climate impacts, material usage, increasing recycling and reuse, while maintaining the safety of packaged products for consumers.
Successfully navigating these challenges requires collaboration across the entire value chain and beyond borders.  However without science-based evidence it is difficult for policy-makers to implement the most effective solutions that focus on waste reduction – whilst ensuring the best environmental outcome.
The panel will discuss the crucial role of the packaging industry in achieving climate neutral goals and fostering opportunities to reduce plastic whilst reducing waste and ensuring higher collection rates. Given the approval of the PPWR by the European Parliament in April, we will also examine the role of scientific studies – such as life cycle assessments – and their role in guiding policy making and industry when making decisions around the pros and cons of reuse and single-use packaging formats.
To discuss this we are very lucky to have three eminent speakers on our panel, including Daniel Westlén, State Secretary to the Minister for Climate and the Environment, Romina Pourmokhtari, Fredrik Davidsson, President Fiber Foodservice EAO, Huhtamaki Michael Sturges leading LCA expert from RISE.
The discussion will be conducted in English.

Fredrik Davidsson Vice President, European Paper Packaging Alliance EPPA, President, Fiber Foodservice Europe-Asia-Oceania European Paper Packaging Alliance (EPPA), Huhtamäki
Daniel Westlén Statssekreterare hos klimat- och miljöminister Romina Pourmokhtari Regeringskansliet
Michael Sturges Miljö- och hållbarhetsspecialist, Hållbara Material och Förpackningar RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Evelina Galli Techreporter, P3 Sveriges Radio
Packaging Plaza level 2