Michael Sturges

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

With a focus on data-driven environmental assessment in the value chains for pulp and paper, packaging, printing and publishing, Michael Sturges has over twenty five years of experience in delivering environmental and sustainability consultancy projects. For over fifteen years he has been working with the Swedish-based forest industries research association Innventia (which since January 2017 became part of Research Institutes of Sweden, RISE). Michael’s experience includes life cycle assessment studies, carbon footprinting, environmental labelling, environmental best practice and sustainability reporting as applied to the supply chains for forest industries, packaging, printing & publishing and paper & board.
He has been the project leader on a number of high profile environment studies in these sectors. Clients have included a wide range of stakeholders. As well as working for government agencies (the European Commission, UK Department of Trade and Industry, Japan Economic Planning Agency; WRAP; DEFRA) Michael has worked with many major multi-national corporations in the packaging, paper and publishing supply chains (for example, Mondi Packaging, Metsa, Billerud, UPM, amongst others). He also provides ongoing support to a number of trade associations in these sectors, working closely with Cepi, CITPA, Cepi Containerboard, FEFCO, Pro Carton, CEPI-Eurokraft, Eurosac and ACE. Recently, he has provided support to EPPA in their LCA activities, particularly around the topic of reusable versus recyclable single-use food service packaging
Contact details:
Email: Michael.sturges@ri.se
Mobile number: +44 (0)7787 531141

Single-use vs. multiple-use: which one is actually better for the environment?