Bioplastföreningen presenterar olika föreläsningar utifrån ett specifikt ämne, - Fossilfritt – en viktig väg in i den cirkulära ekonomin, - Low C02 packaging with Natural Fiber Biocomposites, -  EU Policy Update: Regulatory Environment for Bioplastics in the Making (Part 2/2)“, Bioplastics in the context of a circular economy – different markets need different solutions Session

  • torsdag / 06 oktober / 2022
  • 14:00-15:25

Fossilfritt – en viktig väg in i den cirkulära ekonomin – Cirkulär ekonomi har blivit något av ett standardinnehåll i hållbarhetsdiskussionen idag. I de flesta fall landar detta i en diskussion om återvinning och återvunnet material. Tyvärr riskerar detta att leda till suboptimeringar där man missar viktiga perspektiv. Det bör därför vara värdefullt att utgå från livscykeln och därmed även fundera vilken råvara som tas i anspråk från början. Därför är det viktigt att även inkludera fossilfria material som ett huvudtema så vi kan bryta vårt fossila beroende.

EU Policy Update: Regulatory Environment for Bioplastics in the Making (Part 2/2)“
Bioplastics’ production capacities are continuously increasing and expected to more than triple within the next five years. This development is driven by a rising demand combined with the emergence of more sophisticated applications and products. To ensure a continued successful development, the bioplastics industry, like any other industry, requires a clear and reliable regulatory environment. In order to achieve the ambitious climate goals included in the European Green Deal, the European Commission is revising key legislation which also relates to bioplastics. The presentation will focus on the forthcoming revision of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive and the Waste Framework Directive. It will also give an outlook on the upcoming Sustainable Products Initiative.

Bioplastics in the context of a circular economy – different markets need different solutions Session
Circular economy and recyclability are widely discussed topics today. Especially recyclability has a high priority when it comes to politics and consumer acceptance. But still most plastics are made from a CO2 one-way source like crude oil and no one is really questioning this status quo. Instead of re-thinking the actual status quo, more and more concerns are being raised about renewable raw materials.

Erik Lindroth Sustainability Director Duni Group
Jeremiah Dutton Head of Sales Trifilon
Patrick Zimmermann Executive Board Member Description FKuR Kunststoff GmbH Working
Oliver Buchholz Head of Communications European Bioplastics
Pioneers level 2 Hall F